Admission Open
2019 - 2020About Us
In 2017 the Seva Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Dr N J Paulbudhe College of Pharmacy, a pioneering institute that brought the degree course (B.Pharm) to the doorstep of the people of Ahmednagar was started. Founded by late Chairman Dr. Nath J Paulbudhe, the College is approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and the Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi. The College is affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University. Since from 2017 its inception, the Dr N J Paulbudhe College of Pharmacy today symbolizes quality education and professional achievement.
Our Campus
Our Mission & Vision
The Dr. N. J. Paulbudhe College of Pharmacy, Ahmednagar will be a leader that enhances health in India, the nation and around the globe through innovation in pharmacy education, research and practice.
A Message
From Our Principal
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Seva Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Dr. N. J. Paulbudhe College of Pharmacy, Ahmednagar. At DNJPCP, our mission is to educate and train students in the basic and advanced knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences and to contribute to the improvement of health of the society through quality educational and research programmes. At DNJPCP we set very high standards for education to arm our students with all the arsenal required to be successful leaders in their area of interest. We also encourage a lot of cultural and sports events at our college. We provide students with a conducive environment that nurtures and inspires the students to be achievers in life.
The institution will continue to work towards securing the position of center of excellence in pharmaceutical education and research and will be the world leader in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice with a vision of strengthening the health care of the country.
I am sure you will be benefitted a lot from learning at DNJPCP Pharmacy and stand true to the worthy precedent set in by the alumni of this glorious institute.
I wish you all the very best.
- Dr. Panga S.M.
Departments We have
In the past few decades there is an increasing acceptance for herbal drugs all over the world. The universal role of plants in the treatment of disease is exemplified by their employment in all the major systems of medicine. The department is involved in the protection of endangered medicinal species, phytochemical analysis and the isolation of lead compounds from traditional remedies.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The Dept of Pharmaceutical Chemistry was established since Institutes establishment and as one of four core Dept. The Dept support the academic requirements for students pursuing a Four year B.Pharmacy Semester Pattern course of SavitribaiPhule Pune University, Pune. The Dept has spacious working place, well equipped instruments and high quality chemicals and solvents.
The Department Pharmaceutics is one of the core departments among four and was established with the establishment of College of Pharmacy. It supports the academic and research requirements for students studying for B. Pharmacy. Laboratory includes preparation room, staff cubical and space according to the norms. A separate Machine Shop is developed.
Pharmacology is the science concerned with all aspects of the action of drugs and other chemicals on living systems. Its primary aim is the discovery of chemical mechanisms by which cellular and molecular functions are regulated for the purpose of understanding how existing drugs act and to develop new drugs for treatment and diagnosis of human diseases.
Our College
Facilities and Organizations

Language & Computer Lab
The laboratories are designed and equipped with several state of the art technologies, which are the settings for instructing in the evolving needs of the pharmacy profession i.e. pharmaceutical and health care industry. The laboratories are spacious and ventilated, having adequate space for students to carry out experimental work smoothly. The laboratories are well equipped with various sophisticated instruments / machines required for imparting knowledge to the students. The Institute houses modern analytical instruments.
Play Ground
We have facility for indoor games such as chess, carrom, Table Tennis, shuttle, badminton and outdoor facilities for football, hockey, kabaadi, volleyball, and cricket & basket ball. The college has separate ground for all these outdoor games. Yoga Camp for Boys and Girls are also organized in our campus. Sports help in building the values of leadership and team spirit among the students. It also inculcates the habit of winning in the students which is very important in today’s competitive world. Sports week is organized by the College in second term of every academic year, which helps the students for their inclusive development. Our college students represent university level in various sports events.
Library Facilities
After School programs
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: Shaneshwar nagar, vasant tekadi, savedi, Ahmednagar
Mob: 9960529436 | 9096811214 | 8788690472
Toll Free Number: 1800-180-5522
College Hours: M-F: 10:00 am – 05:00 pm